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I have same question..why we should guess your language and translate your message?? Just write in English
Where are you trying to install it to?? Why I have to play guess game??Ôk Hello, I have a mucar bt 200pro box, I can't install the diagzone application, do you have any solutions, thank you
J'ai une box mucar bt200 Pro j'ai installé l'application diagzone, l'obd et reconnu mais je n'arrive pas à télécharger les mises à jour, et acheter l'activation !Où essayez-vous de l'installer ? Pourquoi dois-je jouer à un jeu de devinettes ?
I don't give a shit about your stupid french language.. show us some respect and use Google translate yourself and translate your stupid questions to English before posting them hereJe me sert de Google translate, et quand je copie le texte pour le mètre dans le message,ça me le mets en Français !
Go eat some frog legs and drink some wine if you can't use Google translate and can't write in EnglishI don't give a shit about your stupid french language.. show us some respect and use Google translate yourself and translate your stupid questions to English before posting them here
Je me sert de Google Translate, et quand je copie le texte pour le mètre dans le message,ça me le mets en Français
I'll repeat for you if you're stupid . I'm not gonna use Google translate to translate your stupid questions.. it is on you, you are the one who needs help, so be kind and use translate before posting here . I'm not gonna waste my time to do that
Merci pour vos commentaires et votre humour, sachez que je réponds en utilisant Google translate et lorsque je colle le texte copié pour vous répondre, il le met en français ! Alors bien sûr je ne suis pas informaticien, je ne mange pas de cuisses de grenouilles, mais j'aime la bonne cuisine et le bon vin, et je suis Italien![]()
Dino, а ты ноль, как диагност и специалист по диагностическому оборудованию. Пишу по русски.Thank you for your comments and your humor, know that I answer using Google translate and when I paste the copied text to answer you, it puts it in French! So of course I am not a computer scientist, I do not eat frogs' legs, but I like good food and good wine, and I am Italian![]()
If you can't figure out how to prevent this forum from translating your posts to another language, then just leave this diag tool aside or give it to someone else who can find a proper way to use it.Thank you for your comments and your humor, know that I answer using Google translate and when I paste the copied text to answer you, it puts it in French! So of course I am not a computer scientist, I do not eat frogs' legs, but I like good food and good wine, and I am Italian![]()