Diagzone v2.00.009 not support with HD3 interface

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Dear admins and developers, I'm diagzone user from Australia. I have gotten troubled with these new versions such as 007, 008, and now 009, these all software do not support HD3, I have seen many HD3 users complain about this issue before, and still the same with the current update 009. same issues as last software do not connect with interface my interface number 986496279000. please comment below who get the same trouble and issues. Diagzone who conducts these issues, please provide a solution as soon as possible.
Can someone please write here when this problem is fixed? Or can maybe @Leo open older app version that works like .06 for HD so we can make a temporary installation of diagnostic for our clients?
Ошибка это что означает


  • Screenshot_2022-07-19-10-05-39-212_com.diagzone.pro.v2.jpg
    180,5 КБ · Просмотры: 46
Estou usando um 008, no tablet não consegui colocar um 009.
Aí limpei cache e instalei primeiro somente 009. Aí deu certo !
Em teste, no celular não estou conseguindo baixar as montadoras!
My friend. Leave now. I'm afraid. If we activate 2.009, 1.057 may not work. Leave everything as it is. Sincerely.

Мой друг. Оставьте теперь. Я боюсь. Если нам активируют 2.009 возможно не будет работать 1.057. Оставь все как есть. С уважением.