Результаты поиска

  1. kosta2302

    Can't connect to HD vehicles. Trucks and Buses

    Zdravo, molim te druže reci mi dali je ikad diagzone kamionski program proradio? Dali ima riješenja? Nedavno sam thinkdiag 2 aktivirao na diagzone i uzeo autel 24v na 12, probao na par kamiona i ni jedan mi nije očitao ništa. I možeš li ki reći koji si softwer i uređaj koristio prije sa teretnim...
  2. kosta2302

    Samsung s24 ultra cant instal Diagzone pro?

    Can you record video and share on youtube, or write solution on forum?
  3. kosta2302

    Samsung s24 ultra cant instal Diagzone pro?

    I have galaxy s22 and instal dz v2.00.029 without problem, but on s24 ultra no way to instal, i try and with adb with pc and no succes.
  4. kosta2302

    Samsung s24 ultra cant instal Diagzone pro?

    It won't fail for sure, and even with some small glitches or bugs like this, Diagzone is top notch and unsurpassed. Imagine how many people would have to be in the team to be able to respond to all the messages, criticisms or complaints, and still have to remain so cheap. I want to point out...
  5. kosta2302

    Samsung s24 ultra cant instal Diagzone pro?

    I am not find solution for this problem? But I find it strange that the administrators of the diagzone pro application have not yet made a solution for this problem, several months have passed and there is still no solution.
  6. kosta2302

    I can login in my diagzone app

    И пробај, али неуспешно. ДиагзонеПро: Лозинка 123456 је закључана, ако имате проблема са пријављивањем у апликацију, пријавите се преко веб странице и промените лозинку. ============================= Лозинка 123456 је закључана, ако имате проблема са пријављивањем у апликацију, пријавите се...
  7. kosta2302

    I can login in my diagzone app

    Hi, i can not log in my diagzone app for thinkdiag old, pasword is 123456 but i try it to change password but unsucsefull? Have any solution?
  8. kosta2302

    Samsung s24 ultra cant instal Diagzone pro?

    It is not problem in android version.
  9. kosta2302

    Samsung s24 ultra cant instal Diagzone pro?

    Hello evereone , samsung galaxy s24 ultra cant instal diagzone softwer, any solution for thos problem?
  10. kosta2302

    Vin recognition can not instal on samsung s22 android 14?

    Хвала пријатељу пуно, успио сам инсталирати...
  11. kosta2302

    Vin recognition can not instal on samsung s22 android 14?

    Vin recognition can not instal on samsung s22 android 14? Can anyone known solution?
  12. kosta2302

    Hello, diagzone fix, haynes pro not working in Bosnia and Herzegovina? Any solution for this...

    Hello, diagzone fix, haynes pro not working in Bosnia and Herzegovina? Any solution for this problem?
  13. kosta2302

    However, it works after deleting all the software and data and logging into the application...

    However, it works after deleting all the software and data and logging into the application again and downloading all the software again.
  14. kosta2302

    Dbscar 5 and diagzone 2.00.019

    Dbscar 5 and diagzone 2.00.019
  15. kosta2302

    Dont work opel astra g petrol 1.6 16v 2001 year, i try it but not work.

    Dont work opel astra g petrol 1.6 16v 2001 year, i try it but not work.