J jhoonj New member 02.03.2025 #1 yoI have two Golo master 4 that after the update do not work well. In obd2 I can do the test. But in GM and Renault they do not work
yoI have two Golo master 4 that after the update do not work well. In obd2 I can do the test. But in GM and Renault they do not work
M MrErmine Member 03.03.2025 #2 jhoonj сказал(а): yoI have two Golo master 4 that after the update do not work well. In obd2 I can do the test. But in GM and Renault they do not work Нажмите, чтобы раскрыть... Попробуй скачать предыдущую версию у марок автомобилей
jhoonj сказал(а): yoI have two Golo master 4 that after the update do not work well. In obd2 I can do the test. But in GM and Renault they do not work Нажмите, чтобы раскрыть... Попробуй скачать предыдущую версию у марок автомобилей