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Noway !it should be free , beter raise the price for activation for everyone rather than doing a separate activation that is not even visible on the website
Its true like autodata. For all that you have great Solution in the internet. You don't need to pay alot of money for all that. After work a lot of years with auto data. Ican only tell its very basic stuff. If you need more like tis or tsb better alldata and identifix still not cover all but its working for me. Bottom line you have all that in the WebNoway !
Haynes (include original version) is a shit. I don't want pay for that.
I never understood why people want this shit.
Прикольно.Hello diagzone staff, please fix haynes.
I have problems with my clients and I dont want to lose it.
I dont understand?!Прикольно.люди хотят подымать бабло с диагностики не вкладывая деньги. Ни в информационки ни в нормальное оборудование.
Работает ровно на ту сумму которую оно стоит.I dont understand?!
Then turn off diagzine and thats it.
We dont get it for free, we also pay for sw which dont work well!
I have the same problem. Only white screen.My diagzone fix does not work. I can't rich any wiring diagram.
Работает!I have the same problem. Only white screen.