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  • Screenshot_20240318_193447_Diagzone PRO.jpg
    Screenshot_20240318_193447_Diagzone PRO.jpg
    118,7 КБ · Просмотры: 126
Спасибо, там что-то платное. А схемы если там купить на 2 дня они останутся или пропадают?
Ну а вы как думаете?? Вот вы за телефон или интернет за месяц платите, у вас потом весь год продолжает работать?
Haynespro как демо идёт? Полный функционал кто нибудь пользуется?
Já se passou uma semana desde que comprei a licença do Haynespro. Gostaria realmente que o Haynespre funcionasse bem?
Hello friends,

I am satisfied with DZ but Haynes pro is really having a lot of problems at home, impossible to see the diagrams, the manufacturers' recall bulletins are grayed out, it is only good for seeing the locations of fuses and relays :) HP is not happy to be with DZ anymore :)
Hello friends,

I am satisfied with DZ but Haynes pro is really having a lot of problems at home, impossible to see the diagrams, the manufacturers' recall bulletins are grayed out, it is only good for seeing the locations of fuses and relays :) HP is not happy to be with DZ anymore :)
HP is not intended to work with DZ to begin with.. stop being cheap asses and buy alldata online.. much more detailed and useful info, including TSB's, colored interactive wiring diagrams, component locations, connector views, repair times and much much more.. or you can always buy daily passes to a manufacturer service data.
The cheap assholes are more like you, keep your opinion I don't need it, I'll share my experience with my DZ friends.
При выборе грузовой техники, вылазит данная ошибка. Кто-нибудь знает как ее решить?
