Результаты поиска

  1. E

    Обновление программного обеспечения

    Same trouble with 966890xxxxxx
  2. E

    Obfcm protocol

    Yes, it's what I said (but may be translation is bad), and it's great. Thanks.
  3. E

    Obfcm protocol

    I had put this smiley because even if new modules existed, Diagzone only made them available for new subscriptions, not those that were in progress. That has changed, and that's great!
  4. E

    Обновление программного обеспечения

    Very very important improvement, asked since a long time. Thank to Diagzone ;-)
  5. E

    Diagzone (2.00.020) мнения?

    I have both (red and blue), and I use only blue 013 now, it's perfect work. One more time again, Diagzone do exactly same thing than original X431, no more no less. Stop to be stupid and ask specific develpment to Diagzone, it isn't possible. Concerning language, it's a chinese program for...
  6. E

    Кто занимается Porsche отзовитесь

    I worked on 996, and no problem
  7. E

    Не могу зайти на сайт diagzone.com

    Diagzone website well work, connexion ok for me
  8. E

    Obfcm protocol

  9. E

    Проблем входа аккаунт X-Diag pro 3

    We aren't on Diagzone ?
  10. E

    Версия 2.00.019 глюки

    V2.00.019 and 966890xxxxxx -> perfect work on BMW E87, same DTC as Autel Ultra.
  11. E

    Версия 2.00.019 глюки

    Why you said is a 2.00.019 trouble ? You've another result with another version ?
  12. E

    Golo carcare scanner has a problem

    No problem with my 966890, all perfect work
  13. E

    Tpms unit

  14. E

    Предлогаю писать какие машины диагностируются, а какие нет

    Of course not, you don't understand how it's work. Diagzone can do nothing about yours troubles, it's Launch side.
  15. E

    Предлогаю писать какие машины диагностируются, а какие нет

    This question is irrelevant. Real question is difference between X431 and Diagzone. If a car is not diagnostised by X431, it will never by Diagzone.
  16. E

    Error de smartbox en diagzone v2.00.013

    Android 13 no needed, work with previous versions. I prefer use same level than original Launch (Android 7 to 10).
  17. E

    Дайте пожалуйста ссылки на обучени по Diagzone

    All ECU work in same way. You can use OEM tool X431, Autel or other, is exactly same. If you don't know use one, you can't use others, in outback or elsewhere ;-) None diag tool can understand and repair for you, it's a real job.