Результаты поиска

  1. E


    Tab for work, phone for play ! Do you make diagnostic to observe several parameters on same time or make recording with a phone ? If it's juste for read or erase DTC, you don't need Diagzone ;-)
  2. E

    Mise à jour

    You can say that at a lot of people, not only to Lyesou ;-)
  3. E

    Mise à jour

    Il faut l'utiliser en anglais. Toutes les traductions sont de la merde.
  4. E

    Throttle relearn for Renault logan/sandero II

    There are nothing to solve !
  5. E

    Diagzone Fix / HaynesPro - reporting of problems

    Noway ! Haynes (include original version) is a shit. I don't want pay for that. I never understood why people want this shit.
  6. E

    My update is stop it doesn't show any software update for any car did every thing I can but no luck is any one have the same problem and how to fix it

    Probably all is already updated, or your subscrition is expired. What do you have in downloaded ?
  7. E

    Diagzone Check ODO

    I have ODO Meter and ODO check in the same place (RESET place)
  8. E

    Diagzone Check ODO

    There is ODO with v24
  9. E

    Fiat v37.50

    And what are you expected ? It's a Launch issue, Diagzone can't do anything.
  10. E

    Can bus detect??

    It was never work with my 966890xxxxxx
  11. E

    Как удалить старые версии марок

    Unrelated to the question. It was possible with v1, I don't find with v2.
  12. E

    Не работает пункт мимо, и сброс

    I have bought an Autel MS909 Ultra -> Diagzone is much better and I've sold Autel.
  13. E

    Diagzone v2 dernière mise à jour ne fonctionne pas

    Perfect work with external SD card, but you must format card with the tab before (and not with another device).
  14. E

    Thinkdiag 2 не работает без интернета

    Where do you see is a internet problem ?
  15. E

    "Digital Service" function please again

    What it is ? It's doesn't exist with original ! How you can have it with Diagzon ? https://qcar.x431.com/qcar/#/pc/index?q=e30%3D
  16. E

    Vehicle coverage

    It's had never work, no change to last update. Stop to tell all trouble is due to last update.
  17. E

    Обновление программного обеспечения

    It had never well work on phone, and it's not a problem. Use tab like original program.
  18. E

    Ошибка bluetooth Diagzone pro после обновления

    Never meet problem with 966890xxxxxx and .23
  19. E

    Golo carcare scanner has a problem

    Well work on lot of car. But I try it on Renault Scenic 2001, and OBD not work on this car ! No problem with Autel Ultra on this Scenic, OBD reading well work. I haven't original X431 for check if it's specific to DZ or not.