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ซื้อมาใหม่แต่อยากลองซ่อมดูฉันมีปัญหาเดียวกันและไม่สามารถแฟลชได้ ดังนั้นเปลี่ยนใหม่และนั่นดีกว่า
please help! where to hang the reset pit MUCAR FOR FLASHING FOR THE DIAG ZONE?
Hello. If this is a new MUCAR BT 200 with a serial number with letters, for example 9RT, then there are no solutions for such devices.Hola!
Saludos desde mi pais Venezuela!
Me pueden ayudar con un MUCAR BT200 V3.1, necesito saber los puntos de conexion el STLINK, para poder hacer el flashing..... por favor!
Greetings from my country Venezuela!
Can you help me with a MUCAR BT200 V3.1, I need to know the STLINK connection points, to be able to do the flashing..... please!
Thank you for your valuable information my friend.Hello. If this is a new MUCAR BT 200 with a serial number with letters, for example 9RT, then there are no solutions for such devices.
Thank you for your informationHello. If this is a new MUCAR BT 200 with a serial number with letters, for example 9RT, then there are no solutions for such devices.