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Did you buy subscription for SGW bypass??
O I bought the Diagzone update this week, it is up to date, bypassing the auto auth website is not possible, Diagzone is not approved for auto auth.Você comprou assinatura para bypass SGW??
Diagzone works differently from autoauth.. on your screenshot you can see link to buy subscription to bypass SGW via diagzone, it will redirect you to a payment page. It costs $40 IIRCO I bought the Diagzone update this week, it is up to date, bypassing the auto auth website is not possible, Diagzone is not approved for auto auth.
E Could this purchase be made with a seller? Because Diagzone does not allow the seller to do this to make it easierDiagzone funciona de maneira diferente do autoauth.. na sua captura de tela você pode ver o link para comprar assinatura para ignorar o SGW via diagzone, ele irá redirecioná-lo para uma página de pagamento. Custa $ 40 IIRC
Yo need to go to that link and pay with credit/debit card.. it works, and successfully unlocks SGW without 12+8 cableE Could this purchase be made with a seller? Because Diagzone does not allow the seller to do this to make it easier
DDiagzone could make this easier for sellers to resolve directly..Você precisa acessar esse link e pagar com cartão de crédito/débito. Funciona e desbloqueia SGW com sucesso sem cabo 12 + 8
Go to that link and follow instructions.. what's the problem??DDiagzone could make this easier for sellers to resolve directly..
Acesse esse link e siga as instruções.. qual é o problema?As simple as it may be, many users do not know how to make international payments.