Firmware update failed problems sincer 2.0.0 update.

  • Автор темы Автор темы Mihaitza83
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So, my problems with the diagzone tester stared 2 months ago when the new firmware/version was released. Like everybod else, I updated the firmware when the obd requested and at 60% failed to update. Second day, when the new version was released, with the "Bug solved" I managed to update the firmware and I managed to make the obd work. The problems started from that moment. The leds in the obd adapter are only green, no more blues, or other colors and from time to tine, IT doesnt work. I tried to use a new android device, changed phone, changed tablet. Nothing. Yesterday, with a fresh Android phone, i installed the software and started activation but, at 65% failed to work again. Now, IT doesn't work any more. What pisses me of is that there was a problem with the software that you corected but You dont care that that others have paid for a license (i was at the end of the 2 years license and I paid again for 2 years, și now, i have a bricked device but 2 years license thst I can’t use anymore. Is there a way that i can repair my device and You solve this probleme that started because of the bad software/firmware released?



    344,5 КБ · Просмотры: 17
In english... This is what IT does. Sometimes IT goes to 60-65% and failes... Never had this problems. Or, you make the software to crash the obds after 2 years license...


    330 КБ · Просмотры: 14
I am prety sure that nobody from diagzone will respond to this tread but at least i try to do Something. i know i am not the only one with this problem