марки на внешний накопитель

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При установке марок на микросд карту, быстродействие в разы медленнее. Карта из новых . У всех так работает?
Марки качать только в одно место хранения например карту или часть можно на внутренний? Внутренней 32 не хватает.
You must use a Micro SD card type 10 V30 or a type 10 V20, this means the writing and reading speed of the Micro SD for example in the photos that you attach there is one that has a reading and writing speed of 100MB / s. another a 170 MB / s read and 90 MB / s write, this performance will give you an original micro SD, there are many micro SD that are false or clones that claim to give said reading and writing speeds but they do not reach 10MB / s In addition, the capabilities of your tablet or cell phone will also define the performance speed, it is recommended about 2 GB of ram, processor on a Quadcore, Bluetooth corresponding to your VCi Interface, and so on.


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