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  1. Harrison Ohene

    X-PROG | X-PROG 3 | ¿Is it compatible with Diagzone Beta V2?

    Bu Please what is the difference, I know all the vcl have USB connection
  2. Harrison Ohene

    Ist Haynes Pro kostenpflichtig?

    yes you need to buy subscription
  3. Harrison Ohene

    Парни выручайте!!!

    The something happens to me and developers are not saying nothing
  4. Harrison Ohene

    Стерся лексус

    I was having that experience
  5. Harrison Ohene

    Стерся лексус

    Yes you right but sometime the SD card is not original, so it slow reading the software
  6. Harrison Ohene

    Стерся лексус

    Please uninstall the app from your phone or tablet and change the storage location to internal storage and install the software again
  7. Harrison Ohene

    Стерся лексус

    Yes , is memory card been used??
  8. Harrison Ohene

    diagzone HD3

    We need answers please Leo I also asked questions about x prog3 immobilizer programmer but no answer, I say again please Leo we need answers
  9. Harrison Ohene

    diagzone HD3

    Loe Is not saying nothing regarding the matters of nothing
  10. Harrison Ohene

    diagzone HD3

  11. Harrison Ohene

    Дайте пожалуйста ссылки на обучени по Diagzone

    So my friend I know this thread is not about what I am going to say but, I try creating one but no response from diagzone My question is, Is diagzone software working or not working with (launch x prog 3 immobilizer programmer ) I have one and I tried it ,one the all is working fine but on end...
  12. Harrison Ohene

    X prog 3 immo programming tool cannot work with diagzone software

    I bought my x prog 3 immobilizer programmer last month since then I was trying it ,if it can work with diagzone software, I try it, it connects to programmer without no problem but when I try making programming control unit on bench it can't connect to the ecu , please Leo try fix this bugs for...
  13. Harrison Ohene

    Toyota Fortuner año 2013 el software lo detecta como año 2005 ó 2009 .

    If it has android version in it ,yes
  14. Harrison Ohene

    Please can you please show me how to make the cable ,

    Please can you please show me how to make the cable ,
  15. Harrison Ohene


    Yes please show how to make the cable, I also have problem with that
  16. Harrison Ohene

    Ошибка при закачке Vin app Diagzone

    If your phone or tablet android version is more 8, then you need to delete the old version of VIN REG for the new version to install, because it an apk app
  17. Harrison Ohene

    Can I use XPROG-3 with my diagzone software?

    With my golo 3.0 adepter all is working fine